Summer Acting Program - Maggie Flanigan Studio 02 Q: Katie, what did you think it meant to train as an actor before you started the six-week summer intensive? Before I began the intensive, I really thought that acting was something anyone could do with enough work. After doing the intensive, I really realized that it's an artistry and a craft that you have to create for yourself and really work at. Not everyone has the drive and the ability to be what it means to be a good actor. Q: What happened over the course of the six weeks that changed your perspective on that? I really realized that you can't half-*** anything. You really have to go all in and really work hard. That's the only way it pays off. And that it's important to work to the best of your ability and take yourself very seriously. Q: What did you learn over the course of these past six weeks that was a surprise or that changed you, about yourself? I realized how important this was to me. It really cemented that this is what I love to do, and it's something that I seriously want to continue and want to be good at and want to continue my training with. Q: Have you ever studied Meisner before? I never studied Meisner before this, so it was very different. Q: What is your biggest takeaway that you're taking away specifically from the Meisner technique itself. The thing that is resonating with you the most. I think what I most importantly learned is how important the other person is, and how it is to let other people affect you and not focus so much on yourself as an actor but on those who are with you. Q: You're still in school. You're training in college. Are you [unintelligible 00:01:42] major? Yes, I'm in acting major. I'm getting my BFA. Maggie Flanigan Studio 153 W 27th St #803 New York, New York 10001 +1 917-789-1599 www.maggieflaniganstudio.com/ goo.gl/maps/oxqqExybwL32 plus.google.com/112291205845820496849 twitter.com/MeisnerActing www.facebook.com/MeisnerActing/ https://flic.kr/p/24Zwe7e
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