Monday, March 18, 2019

Intent on Success: The Three M’s


shutterstock_1042277725We talk a lot about actions actors can take to refine their presentation, technique and business game. But harder to pin down are strategies for improving your drive and focus. In the face of relentless rejection, how do actors maintain the winner’s attitude so crucial to long term success? While there are endless strategies to train your brain to think positively, this week we’re keeping it simple with a few clear strategies to refocus your career. Thus, I present the 3 M’s:


  1. Meditation. A good actor needs a clear, focused, and flexible mind and heart. It’s easy to clutter up with the anxieties attendant on the struggle to “make it,” the constant career comparisons, the fear that maybe this time is the last time. Without attention and care, your inner dialogue can become toxic, eroding your confidence and focus. Moreover, avoiding a negative headspace isn’t enough. We need to create and curate a positive one. Meditation is a free and efficient way to do so. It centers you and helps discipline your mind. It’s an excellent way to seek clarity and strengthen your intentions. There are a myriad of resources for those learning to meditate, from apps and YouTube to meditation-centered yoga classes. If nothing else, try sitting in a peaceful spot and lighting a candle, clearing your mind and setting clear goals and intentions for your career. Internal focus will help guide your daily actions.
  2. Medication. This one can be interpreted as taking care of your health. If you don’t take care of your tools you can’t do the work. This includes physical and emotional health. Stay aware of where you are and what is holding you back. Don’t let yourself get burned out. Stand up for your time and welfare, and if you need help, ask for it. It’s time to get over the stigma attached to mental health, and the toxic belief that an artist must be “tortured” to produce great art. Finding the right medication won’t dull your artistic fire. It will strengthen your ability to cope with your career. Mental and physical health are equally important to your success as an artist. Get serious about taking care of yourself.
  3. Manifestation. Time to get a little “woo-woo.” Once you’re taking care of your mind, body and drive, it’s time to spark your imagination. You’re an artist. Don’t ignore the creative fire that drew you to this path in the first place. You must constantly renew and recharge your artist’s soul. Find what inspires you and marry it to your goals. Create a vision board. Journal your intentions and revelations. Find a mantra that speaks to you. Seek and experience performances that take your breath away and make you feel like you’re on the right track. Surround yourself with the world that inspires you and put yourself in it. Never stop telling yourself you belong here. Never stop reaching higher. Know what you want and manifest it in your life.

Article source here:Cast it Talent

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