Tuesday, December 4, 2018

5 Ways to Keep Acting Beyond Auditions


shutterstock_1097610281Between hustling for future acting gigs and basic survival, keeping yourself from getting rusty can be a struggle. We all have those stretches that feels like the only acting we’re practicing is squished into 30 second self-tapes for the local lottery. Even if you’re booking, how do you keep yourself sharp and constantly expanding your skill set? Below are a couple ideas on acting opportunities that will keep you in shape during the dry spells.


  1. Classes – The most obvious answer is enroll in acting classes. Working on your craft with artists and instructors who stretch and challenge you is an excellent way to focus your creative energies and keep refining your technique. Audit a few classes before finding the one that works for you. Change studios every now and again to get a fresh perspective. Make a commitment to be a constant student over the course of your career. And don’t make perfect the enemy of the good. There will be times when you don’t have availability or funds to take classes. Don’t let it discourage you. Keep working towards going back when you can. If you can’t do regular classes, sign up for workshops and showcases. Start gathering diverse skills that will round out your resume.
  2. Join an Improv Troupe – Improv is a great way to keep your timing and technique sharp. It helps you think on your feet, find creative solutions and follow your impulses. Find a local improv troupe and keep playing.
  3. Student or Indie Films – Remember, if you don’t have an agent you can still find film work. If you need material for your reel, or just need a creative outlet, student or indie films are great ways to keep your hand in. They’re also a good way to meet other actors and industry folks that might be good connections for future projects.
  4. Consider Nontraditional Ventures – Never done stand-up? Write a set and hit up an open mic night. Audition for that weird immersive holiday show that benefits a local charity. Take a class on voiceover work and start auditioning. There are many ways to use your acting skills beyond plays and films. The more you try the richer your skillset will become.
  5. Create Your Own Opportunities – When you feel like no one is giving you a shot, it’s time to blaze your own trail. Start a podcast with a friend. Write and film a web-series. Do staged readings or full productions of plays you’ve always wanted to perform in. Build a network of artists that challenge and inspire you.




It’s so easy to feel like your career depends on the whims of others. Professional rejection can start to feel like a estimation of personal worth. It isn’t. Whether you’re in a dry stretch or feeling stuck in a rut, seeking out diverse opportunities will bring dimension and spark to your acting career. Be your own manager. Keep fighting, and keep trying new things.

Article source here:Cast it Talent

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