Monday, October 15, 2018

Five Email Marketing Tips for Your Next Art Show

You have a significant advantage as an art business professional. Your work is engaging, creative, and typically includes a story that will resonate with potential buyers. However, the ball is in your court as to how you choose to market these elements in your email blasts and newsletters when you have an upcoming show. If you figure out how to capitalize on this, email can yield major benefits.

For every dollar you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38. Also, people are twice as likely to sign up for your email list as they are to interact with you on Facebook. Email is still king when it comes to connecting with your audience and encouraging them to attend an upcoming event. Read on for five tips to maximize your email marketing for your next art show.

1. Use the Art Show to Collect Email Addresses
There is no better way to begin to build your email list than to ask art show guests to sign-up in person. You could strategically place physically email sign-up lists around the gallery and encourage guests to sign up. You could also include an email sign-up option when art show guests register. These individuals are already showing interest in what you do, so take advantage of this by attempting to build your email list.

2. Announce Your Show
This step may seem like a no-brainer, but whether you have less than 100 email subscribers or over 1,000, be sure to announce your upcoming show. Your lists are likely made up of people that attended your last show, have shown interests in the art you sell or are friends and family. Ensure that they receive an email from you that tells them when they can expect for the next show. Also, don’t just send one email, be sure to send them throughout the lead up to the show to keep it fresh in their minds.

3. Offer Incentives
Give your email sign-ups a reason to not only attend the show but to also stay subscribed. According to a National Client Email report, 38 percent of customers sign up for email to have access to discounts. Thirty-five percent sign up for free samples or gifts. So, offering incentives for email sign-ups at your art shows is an excellent way to get them engaged and even market your email sign-up list to new customers. Your email list could ensure your subscribers are the first to hear about new art pieces, and that they have first dibs on limited edition pieces. This is also the time where you could offer discounts if appropriate.

4. Tell a Story
Again, you have the advantage of having eye-catching art pieces that likely have a story behind them. In the lead-up to your art show, take the time to tell a story about the artists and pieces that are featured in your upcoming show. Each newsletter could be a feature on an artist that includes a short bio, interview, and discussion about the piece featured. This step creates excitement and anticipation while also letting potential guests know what to expect if they decide to attend. Also, always make a point to use high-resolution photos of the image as it makes your newsletter more attractive and gives your subscribers a more accurate vision of how the art looks.

5. Show a Behind-The-Scenes Video

This is another excellent way to get your subscribers excited to attend your art show. According to data gathered by WordStream, an initial email with a video receives an increase click-through rate of 96 percent. So, take a look at what content you have that can be turned into a video. Showing some behind-the-scenes footage of organizing and preparing the show gives your audience of taste of what to expect as well as informs them of how much work you put in to bring everything together. You are letting them in on information everyone is not privy to, and your audience will appreciate that.

Final Thoughts

While social media, ads, and websites are instrumental in spreading messages to target audiences, nothing gets their attention quite like email. This medium is still essential when it comes to directly reaching out to your audience. So, if used correctly, the right email marketing software can help increase your art show attendance. Take the time to provide incentives, engaging stories, and information about the upcoming show that will pique the interest of your subscribers. As stated above, you already have the advantage that art brings —creativity, beautiful imagery, and compelling stories—now, all you have to do is correctly package this for your audience using email.

Article source here:Art Business News

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